For the Kids
$100 Voucher to Educational Consulting, Tutoring, Camps, and more with MissCaseyK
- Item Number
- 286
- Estimated Value
- 100 USD
- Sold
- 45 USD to ss990745b
- Number of Bids
- 3 - Bid History
Item Description
MissCaseyK, LLC is a Nashville based early childhood educational consulting business, helping local parents prepare for their child’s educational & developmental success. We pride ourselves on offering the highest-quality educational consulting services for young children and their families that strongly benefits the whole child.
Casey King, B.S. Early Childhood Ed.- Certified (owner & founder of MissCaseyK, LLC) is an early childhood educator and expert with almost two decades of experience working with students and families.
-Tutoring & Educational Enrichment (PreK-3rd Grade)
-Small Group Camps & Classes (Ages 3-8)
-PreK & Kindergarten Readiness Evaluations
-School Admissions Guidance
-Educational Consulting
-Parent Coaching, and more!
$100.00 voucher
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