Doggie Gift basket (23 items!)
- Item Number
- 311
- Estimated Value
- 150 USD
- Sold
- 175 USD to tzumom
- Number of Bids
- 16 - Bid History
Item Description
1 reusable shopping bag, 1 stainless steel bowl, 1 paw print picture frame, 1 cut & tied 27x27 fleece blanket with black Sherpa backing, 1 kitchen towel, 1 dog drying towel, 2 packages of dog treats, 2 indestructible dog toys, 1 pet bowl mat, 1 pet storage container, 1 waste bag dispenser with 4 refills, 1 package of botanical pet wipes (120), 1 pet hair remover, 1 $10 Pet Smart gift card, 1 portable pet bow,l 1 pet mitt brush, 2 pair ladies quarter socks (gray & blue), 1 pet garden marker, 1 car coaster, 1 dog head leash holder, 1 dog bone dogs welcome anytime.
Donated By:
patty giroult
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