Windsor Cherry Wall Clock

Bidding Supports: St. Stephen's Armenian Apostolic Church (WATERTOWN, MA)

Item Number
675 USD
Online Close:
2024-12-01 23:59:00.0

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This traditional clock is beautifully crafted and finished in Windsor Cherry. Made by Howard Miller, it has a pendulum with a brass-finished dial. It has a dual chime quarts movement, powered by two C batteries, that plays the full Westminster or Ave Maria chimes. It comes with full volume controls with multiple options including automatic nighttime volume reduction and an automatic nighttime shut-off option. It measures 30.25 inches tall; 13.5 inches wide and 5 inches deep.

Founded in 1926 and still family-owned in its third generation, Howard Miller is a world-leading clock company. Made in the USA.

Generously donated by Berge Nercessian.