Edgartown Meat & Fish Market - Leah Fraumeni

Bidding Supports: EDGARTOWN BOARD OF TRADE (Edgartown, MA)

Item Number
Online Close:
2024-10-20 23:59:00.0
Bid History:
5 Bids

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A Fish Tale | Fishermen of Martha's Vineyard spend time tying knots and throwing lines in hopes of bringing home "the catch." Many of these lines turn into coloful parts of beaches and docks, lost in storms or left behind. These coloful lines were found on Lobsterville Beach, Menemsha, and Squibnocket - each handled at one point by those seafarers.

Artist: Leah Fraumeni

Sponsor:  Edgartown Meat & Fish Market

Item Special Note

Artist Estimated Value: Priceless