Beautiful Antique Framed U.S. Constitution Donated By Sandy Bourne

Bidding Supports: Constituting America (Colleyville, TX)

Item Number
$1,000 USD
Online Close:
May 23, 2024 10:00 PM EDT
Bid History:
1 Bids

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Imagine this beautifully framed printed lithograph of the U.S. Constitution greeting visitors to your office, home, in the foyer of your children or grandchildrens' school or even your local community center such as your local Knights of Columbus Hall.

Constituting America's dear friend, Sandy Bourne, has donated this large, 37 inch wide, 47 inch tall, beautifully framed Constitution. The Constitution has all seven Articles, a listing of the signers, and Amendments 1 through 21, the last amendmnet ratified at the date of copyright, 1933. The Constitution was published by the Constitutional Educational Association, 28 East Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, in 1934, first printed by the widow of Harry Atwood, a well known Constitutional Scholar of his time. Click here for its Library of Congress listing. 

The Constitution and frame are in excellent condition, and one of the most pristine versions we have seen offered for sale anywhere! 

Adorning the sides of the Constitution are portraits of the founders and revolutionary war scenes, embellised with floral and gold leaf. 

This framed version of the U.S. Constitution is currently listed for $5,000 on Ebay and valued anywhere from $400 - $1000 on other listings, depending on condition. 

The best part? Free Shipping! Yes, an item of this size will still ship to you for free. Will drive it to you, distance permitting, or will pack and ship for free at UPS - thanks to a generous donor! 

Please bid generously - this is a rare opportuity to own a unique, beautiful framed antique version of our U.S. Constitution!