Someone is trying to frame you .....In a MURDER! You will be their special guests at one ouf their famous Murder Mystery Dinners held Saturday nights at Guido's Restaurant in Santa Monica, CA. Be prepared to spend the evening mingling with the criminal element as you enjoy a reception, followed by a three-course dinner and of course, ... a little murder and mayhem.
Keith O?Leary and Margo Morrison, creators of Murder Mystery Weekend and Murder Mystery USA, are award winning writers, producers, and directors with extensive backgrounds in motion picture, television, and theatrical production. Since 1985 they have been responsible for over 7000 live mystery productions worldwide and have been featured in the print and television media in 37 different countries.
Murder Mystery USA
Venue: Guido's, 11980 Santa Monica Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90025
Item Special Note
Reservations Required. Saturdays only. Expires April 2025. For questions, email