United Nations In-Person Tour $100 Credit

Bidding Supports: PTA of PS 372 (Brooklyn, NY)

Item Number
100 USD
Online Close:
2024-05-18 17:00:00.0
Bid History:
9 Bids

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$100 Gift card for tickets to an in-person guided group tour of the United Nations Headquarters in midtown Manhattan. The gift card can cover, for example, 2 adults + 2 students/children, or 2 adults + 2 seniors, or other combinations, with some $ left over.

Please visit https://www.un.org/en/visit/ tour for details on the types tours, available dates, and to redeem the gift card toward the purchase of individual tickets. Visit https://www.un.org/en/visit/ faq for FAQs. You may also contact toursunhq@un.org for any questions.

Children ages 5 to 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Children under 5 are not permitted on the tour. The UN HQ is accessible for persons with disabilities or with a mobility impairment (except for the Garden Tour). Visitors may request the use of a wheelchair when checking in.


The types of tours include:


·         The Standard Guided Tour takes visitors on a journey through the corridors of international diplomacy. It covers the history of the UN and includes a visit to the General Assembly Hall and Security Council Chamber, meetings permitting. Please visit https://www.un.org/en/visit/ tour to select a date and time.


·         The Garden Tour takes visitors on a stroll through the UN garden and covers the exceptional rose collection, iconic cherry trees, and the story behind the ?George and the Dragon? statue. Visitors can also see an actual segment of the Berlin Wall, and discover a ?hidden gem? honouring one of the most important women in the history of the United Nations: Eleanor Roosevelt. The Garden Tour is available Wednesdays during May to August, and is unfortunately not wheelchair accessible.


·         The Art Tour covers the unique art collection at UN HQ. The UN gifts collection is a combination of artworks, historic objects, and architectural components donated by member states, foundations, and individual donors since 1950. Many of the most prominent figures in the art world, such as Marc Chagall, Candido Portinari, Arnaldo Pomodoro, Barbara Hepworth and Henry Moore, are represented in the UN collection. In this tour, you will see a selection of the artworks located in the building, and will access the Security Council, the General Assembly Hall, as well as the Economic and Social Council and the Trusteeship Council Chambers, meetings permitting. The Art Tour is available every other Thursday at 1:15 pm and upon request, please contact toursunhq@un.org.


·         The Architecture Tour explores the fascinating history behind the ?Workshop for Peace?, a collaborative effort of 11 renowned architects from around the world to build a home for the United Nations, and explore how this ?workshop? reinforces and accommodates peacebuilding and multilateralism until this day. The Architecture Tour is available every other Tuesday at 1:00 pm and upon request, please contact toursunhq@un.org.


·         The Children?s Tour, tailored for children aged 5 to 10, focuses on a child-friendly ?Kids Corridor? and features wall-sized world maps, mounted flags of Security Council members, a refugee tent, and more. Interactive games with the Tour Guides, quizzes and role-playing help young visitors understand the work of the UN and how it relates to their daily lives. Please note: the Children's Tour does not access the Conference Building. Participants will visit the Kids Corridor and the General Assembly Hall, meetings permitting. The Children's Tour is available on Fridays at 1:30 pm and upon request, please contact toursunhq@un.org.


·         The Black History Tour provides a unique look at the Ark of Return, a permanent memorial in honor of the victims of slavery and the transatlantic slave trade, located on the UN Visitors Plaza. This tour also includes access to the Security Council Chamber, the Trusteeship Council Chamber and the General Assembly Hall (meetings permitting). You will learn about the contribution of people of African descent to the work of the UN in fields such as peace and security and human rights, with a special emphasis on decolonization. The Black History Tour is available every other Tuesday at 1:30 pm and upon request, please contact toursunhq@un.org.

·         The Focus on Women Tour introduces significant contributions of women to the UN?s work on Peace & Security, Human Rights and Development. This Tour will cover women who have influenced the history of the UN as an organisation, as well as topics such as Security Council resolution 1325 on the important role of women in the prevention and resolution of conflicts; the unique and growing contribution of women in Peace Operations; Sustainable Development Goal 5 on gender equality and women?s empowerment; and other General Assembly milestones helping advance the status of women around the world. In addition, the tour will showcase the gift of Panama in the General Assembly Lobby, a traditional Mola style tapestry that was made by indigenous Kuna women. The Focus on Women Tour will also include access to the Security Council Chamber, the Economic and Social Council Chamber, and the General Assembly Hall, meetings permitting. The Focus on Women Tour is available every other Wednesday at 1:30 pm and upon request, please contact toursunhq@un.org.

Item Special Note

The gift card will be emailed to the winner and will be valid for 12 months after the date it is issued (on or around May 20, 2024).